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How to Create a Sitemap on Blogger and Submit it to Google and Bing

Do You Want To Optimize Your Blog So As To Increase Your Search Engine Visibility? Then Create And Submit Your Blog Sitemap To Google And Bing.

Good day lovers of TechBrainaic. Today I will be sharing with you the easy step by step guide on how to Create and Submit Blogger Sitemap to Google, Yahoo and Bing Search Consoles. Just follow all the highlighted steps and enjoy massive traffic to your blog.

How to Create Blogger Sitemap

What is a Sitemap?

A sitemap is simply a directory of all the pages existing on your site, like a table of contents showing the structure of your blog. Sitemaps help search engines crawl your site and index it properly.

How to Create Contact Us Page on Blogger

There are many aspects of your site that a crawler will follow, such as the size of your sitemap and the number of URLs in your sitemap. In short, a sitemap is a complete index of your blog that you want to make accessible to search engine bots.

Simple Steps to Create a Sitemap on Blogger in 2022

Google now automatically generate a sitemap for your Blogger blog in your root directory. This save time and relief one from the stress of creating it manually, having that done. All you have to do now is to submit your sitemap to Google and Bing Webmaster Tools. The sitemap is available at the following URLs

Blogger – Default URL

Blogger – Custom URL

This new default sitemap is automatically added to the default robots.txt file, so you don’t have to create a custom one.

Submit Blogger Sitemap to Google Webmaster

Below are the easy step by step you need to follow:
  1. Go to Google Webmaster tools.
  2. Sign in with your gmail account.
  3. Add/Select your Blog
  4. From the left sidebar click on Sitemap
  5. Add your Sitemap URL {Ex:}

  6. Remember to replace the coloured  text with your blog URL.
  7. Finally click on submit.
Blogger Sitemap

Once this is perfectly done without any error, Google will begin to crawl and index your site. You can check what pages have been indexed on the Webmaster Tools.

How to Submit Blogger Sitemap to Yahoo and Bing 

Apart from Google which is the most popular search engine at the moment, Bing is also another powerful search engine that must be considered and explored when it come to search engine optimization of a blog. Follow the steps below to submit your blog :
  • Log in to Bing Webmaster tools.
  • Click on "Add site".
  • And submit the url of your website or blog.
  • You have to verify that you are the true owner of the website or blog.

Verify Blog Ownership on Bing Webmaster Tools

 To prove that you are the owner of the blog or website you're submitting, Bing have provided three standard methods from which you can choose the one that is most convenient for you. 
  1. File upload
  2. Adding Meta tag in Header
  3. CNAME record to DNS
But in the course of this tutorial I will choose the second verification method for the sake of blogs with no custom domain.
  • Choose the second verification option.
  • Copy the entire HTML Code to your clipboard.
  • Now you need to paste this code in your blog header section.
  •  From your blogger dashboard go to template.
  • Click on Design and then edit html.
  • Search for <head> tag and paste the copied html code just below the head tag.
  • Then save your template.
  • Lastly open Bing webmaster page and click on "verify".
Bing will now start to crawl and index your site. Though it might not be as fast as Google and it might take a few days before your site  is indexed.

Hope I was able to make you understand How to Create and Submit Blogger Sitemap To Google and Bing Search Engine. And if you still have any issues related to this, feal free to ask me in the comments, I would be happy to answer!

That's All 

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About the Author

A Young Nigeria Blogger Who Love Sharing His Knowledge And Idea With Others❤️

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