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How to Activate Dark Mode Permanently In JagoDesain Themes

Learn how to enable permanent dark mode in JagoDesain themes with step-by-step instructions. Enhance the visual appeal of your website by implementing

 The use of dark mode has gained significant popularity in web design, providing users with a visually appealing and comfortable browsing experience. If you are using JagoDesain themes for your Blogger website and wish to activate dark mode permanently, this blog post will guide you through the process. By enabling dark mode, you can enhance the aesthetics of your website and provide a more enjoyable reading experience for your visitors.

Dark Mode in Blogger

In this article, we will provide an overview of JagoDesain themes and the significance of activating dark mode. We will then walk you through a step-by-step guide on how to activate dark mode permanently in JagoDesain themes. Additionally, we will share some tips for optimizing the dark mode appearance and address frequently asked questions to assist you in successfully implementing this feature.

By the end of this blog post, you will have the knowledge and instructions needed to activate dark mode in your JagoDesain theme, elevating the visual appeal and user experience of your Blogger website. Let's dive in and discover how you can enhance your website with the power of dark mode.

With this approach, you can utilize dark mode as a permanent option while also having light mode as an alternative within your theme. Simply adhere to the following straightforward steps to implement this feature.

How to Activate Dark Mode Permanently In JagoDesain Themes

Important! Before we start adding codes in XML, I will recommend you to take a Backup of your current theme. By chance if any problem occurs, you can restore it later.

Step 1: Go and login to your Blogger Dashboard

Step 2: In Blogger Dashboard, Go to Themes section

Step 3: Now click on the drop down icon just beside the 'Customize' button

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Step 4: Click on 'Edit HTML', now you'll be redirected to the editing page

Step 5: Search for <body> and paste the following Code Just below it
<b:class name='drK'/>
Step 6: I have indicated certain sections of the code below that require replacement with the updated code. Simply locate the code below that has been marked and substitute it with the new code.

Step 7: press Ctrl+F to search for the below line of code within your HTML code 
document.querySelector('#mainCont').classList.add('drK') : document.querySelector('#mainCont').classList.remove('drK')
Step 8: Replace the above code with the one given below
document.querySelector('#mainCont').classList.remove('drK') : document.querySelector('#mainCont').classList.add('drK')


In conclusion, activating dark mode in your JagoDesain theme can greatly improve the aesthetics and usability of your website. By following the step-by-step guide provided, you can easily enable dark mode and enhance the browsing experience for your readers.

Dark mode not only provides a sleek and modern look, but it also offers several practical benefits such as reducing eye strain and improving readability. Additionally, it allows you to customize the appearance of your website and align it with your branding.

By implementing dark mode, you show your commitment to providing an enhanced user experience and cater to the preferences of your audience. So, don't hesitate to activate dark mode in your JagoDesain theme and take your website to the next level.

Start enjoying the benefits of dark mode today and make your website visually appealing, user-friendly, and up-to-date with the latest design trends. Your readers will appreciate the option to browse your content in a mode that suits their preferences, and it will make your website stand out from the crowd.

Take action now and activate dark mode in your JagoDesain theme to elevate your website's design and functionality. Enjoy the benefits of a stylish and user-friendly browsing experience for both you and your readers.

About the Author

A Young Nigeria Blogger Who Love Sharing His Knowledge And Idea With Others❤️

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