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How To Add Thumbnail Sticky Author Info In JagoDesain Themes

Learn how to add a thumbnail sticky author info section to your JagoDesain Blogger themes with this step-by-step guide. Enhance your blog's aesthetics

 The JagoDesain theme, specifically Median Ui, Fletro, and Imagz, is widely used by bloggers due to its appealing design and versatile features. One popular customization that bloggers often seek is the addition of thumbnail sticky author info. This feature enhances the visibility and personalization of the author's information, providing a unique touch to the blog's design.

Thumbnail Sticky Author Info

In this blog post, we will explore how to add thumbnail sticky author info in Median Ui, Fletro, and Imagz themes. We will provide step-by-step instructions and tips for customization, allowing bloggers to showcase their author information in a visually appealing and engaging manner. By implementing this feature, bloggers can create a stronger connection with their readers and enhance the overall user experience of their blogs. Let's dive in and learn how to add this eye-catching feature to your JagoDesain-themed blog!

Concept of Sticky Author Info 

Adding thumbnail sticky author info is a technique used to enhance the user experience on a blog or website. It involves displaying a small thumbnail image and relevant information about the author in a sticky or fixed position on the webpage, usually alongside the content or in a designated sidebar. This feature serves multiple purposes.

Firstly, it allows readers to easily identify the author of the content they are reading, adding a personal touch and fostering a sense of connection between the author and the audience. It can include the author's name, profile picture, bio, social media links, and other relevant details.

Secondly, the sticky nature of the author info ensures that it remains visible to the reader as they scroll through the page. This provides continuous access to the author's information, allowing readers to quickly access their social media profiles, explore other articles by the same author, or engage in discussions.

By adding thumbnail sticky author info, bloggers can establish their identity and build credibility among their audience. It creates a professional and cohesive branding experience while promoting engagement and interaction with readers.

In the following sections, we will explore how to add thumbnail sticky author info specifically for the Median UI, Fletro, and Imagz (JagoDesain theme). This customization can be done using certain techniques and code modifications, which we will discuss in detail.

How To Add Thumbnail Sticky Author Info In JagoDesain Blogger Themes 

Step 1: Go and login to your Blogger Dashboard

Step 2: In Blogger Dashboard, Go to Themes section

Step 3: Now click on the drop down icon just beside the 'Customize' button

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Step 4: Click on 'Edit HTML', now you'll be redirected to the editing page

Step 5: Search for ]]></b:skin> or /*]]>*/</style> and paste the following CSS Just above it. Or you can paste it above <head/> tag by adding <style></style>
/* Author iFxd (TechBrainaic) */{top:auto;bottom:0;right:auto;left:0} .aNm.t{background:rgba(255,255,255,.8);padding:6px} .aNm.t .im{width:16px;height:16px;margin-right:4px} .aNm.t .nm{font-size:13px;color:var(--bodyC)}
Step 6: Then find the following code 👇
<b:if cond='data:widgets.Blog.first.allBylineItems.comments and data:post.labels none (label =&gt; in [ &quot;Product&quot; ])'>

                              <b:include name='postCommentsLinks'/>

                            </b:if>                          </b:tag>

You might encounter three locations with identical code for the featured post thumbnail, blog post thumbnail, and popular post thumbnail. If you wish to include it in all three locations, simply paste the code in those three places. However, if you only want it in one specific location, you can identify that location by pasting the code in each place and observing where it takes effect.

Step 7: Then paste the following HTML code just below it
<!--[ Author (TechBrainaic) ]-->

<b:tag class='iFxd bl' name='div'><div class='aNm t'><b:include name='post-authorImage'/><b:include name='post-authorName'/></div></b:tag>
Step 8: Then Save or Publish.


In conclusion, adding a thumbnail sticky author info section to your blog using the Median Ui, Fletro, and Imagz (JagoDesain theme) templates can greatly enhance the aesthetics and functionality of your blog. By customizing the author info section and making it visually appealing, you can create a more engaging experience for your readers and establish a stronger connection with them.

I encourage you to follow the step-by-step guide provided in this blog post and implement the changes on your blog. Take the time to experiment with different design elements and make the author info section truly reflect your brand and personality. Not only will this enhance the overall look of your blog, but it will also provide valuable information about the author, increasing the credibility and trustworthiness of your content.

Don't hesitate to explore other customization options and experiment with different layouts and designs to find the perfect fit for your blog. Remember, the key is to create a visually appealing and user-friendly experience that keeps your readers coming back for more.

So, go ahead and implement the changes to add the thumbnail sticky author info section to your blog. Enhance your blog's aesthetics and functionality, and create a unique and memorable experience for your readers. Happy blogging!

That's All

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About the Author

A Young Nigeria Blogger Who Love Sharing His Knowledge And Idea With Others❤️

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