Have you been considering using a perfect and powerful Anti AdBlock Script for your Google Owned blogspot blog that will prevent visitors using any browser with AdBlock from accessing your content page unless they disable the Ads Blocker in their browser and whitelist your website?
How to Install AdBlocker Script in Blogger |
Then you've come to the right webpage, in this article I will share with you the easy step by step guide to install anti-adblock script in blogger so as to boost your AdSense revenue.
AdBlock is a Script or browser extension which prevent online advertisement or AdSense and other pop-ups from displaying on a website/blog. AdBlock is often use by users to load and access a webpage without ads and to protect their privacy by blocking those cookies and trackers.
Whenever a user enable AdBlocker in their web browser, there won't be any AdSense shown to such user. As a result of this, no impression or click will be generated from such user's visit to your Blog.
Therefore in other to disable the AdBlock extension and ensure that Advertisment ads is visible to every users visiting your blog it's recommended to install an AdBlocker killer script in the root section of your blog.
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If this Anti AdBlock Script is installed correctly on your blog, then visitors with AdBlocker enabled in their browser won't be able to access your blog contents until the AdBlocker is disabled. A pop-up window will be displayed on your webpage, warning user that they need to turn off the AdBlocker in their browser.
Anti AdBlocker Script in Blogger |
Likewise it gives the necessary guidelines on how to disable AdBlocker for that particular webpage. Subsequently user have to reload the page so as to gain access to the full content. In this manner you can protect your blog from AdBlocker and generate more revenue.
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Now that you understand what AdBlocker is and how it affect your blog, it's time to show you how to disable it in your blog.
Before making any changes to your template make sure you take a back up of it just in case something unexpected happens.
Step 1: To Start with Login to your Blogger Dashboard.
Step 2: From your Blogger Dashboard, click Theme.
Step 3: Click the arrow down icon next to the 'Customize' button.
Step 4: Choose Edit HTML, you will be redirected to the editing page.
Edit Theme HTML |
Step 5: Now Press CTRL+F to find ]]></b:skin> or </style> code and paste the CSS code just above either ]]></b:skin> or </style> code.
/* Note By TechBrainaic*/ .note{position:relative;padding:16px 20px 16px 50px; background:#e1f5fe;color:#3c4043; font-size:.85rem;font-family:var(--fontB);line-height:1.6em;border-radius:10px;overflow:hidden} .note::before{content:'';width:60px;height:60px;background:#81b4dc;display:block;border-radius:50%;position:absolute;top:-12px;left:-12px;opacity:.1} .note::after{content:'\002A';position:absolute;left:18px;top:16px; font-size:20px; min-width:15px;text-align:center} .note.wr{background:#ffdfdf;color:#48525c} .note.wr::before{background:#e65151} .note.wr::after{content:'\0021'}
Note: If you are using themes like UI Median, Fletro Pro and iMagz you don’t need to add the CSS code as it is already there in that theme.
/* Anti Ad Block By TechBrainaic*/<script>//<![CDATA[
!function() {function f() {var a=document.getElementById("postBody");a.innerHTML='<p class="note noteAlert blocked"><strong>Ad-Block Detected :((</strong><br><br>Sorry, We detected that you have activated Ad-Blocker. <br> Please Consider supporting us by disabling your Ad-Blocker,It helps us in maintaining this website. <br>To View the content disable adblocker and refresh the page.<br><br>Thank You !!!</p>';} var b=document.createElement("script");b.type="text/javascript";b.async=!0;b.src="https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js";b.onerror=function() {f();window.adblock=!0};var e=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];e.parentNode.insertBefore(b,e)}();
Don't forget to replace your post body section in the marked section. For Median UI 1.4 users replace "post-body" code with"post-body" code.
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